Basia Bańda B.1980 in Zielona Góra, Poland. 2001-2006 Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. 2018 Doctor's degree at Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. Since 2008 assistant lecturer at the Studio of Painting at University in Zielona Góra. Collaboration with Fundacja Salony. Lives and works in Zielona Góra.
Articles online
Works in collection
Center of Contemporary Art, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
Lubuska Zachęta Sztuki Współczesnej
Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych
Museum of Ziemia Lubuska
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych
ING Polish Art Fundation
Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Sztuk Pięknych
Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
Art Gallery, Legnica
National Museum, Gdańsk
BWA Gallery, Leszno
And in private collection
Fellowships and prizes
The cultural prize of city of Zielona Góra
UZ rector prize
7th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
4th place in Kompas Sztuki, ‘Rzeczpospolita Magazine
Creative and Artistic Scholarship of the City of Zielona Góra
7th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
4th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
6th place in Playboy ranking - 10 artists, in which it is worthwhile to invest
Cooperation with the National Opera in Warsaw
Fellowship Young Poland of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
2th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
Nomination to the award Wykrzyknik, Zielona Góra
Fellowship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Solo exhibitions
Heat, Eskaem gallery, Gdańsk
Totems, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Fernweh, Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
Most of the world, Biala Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition for children, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Roses and Roses, MCSW Elektrownia, Radom
I have good feeling, Galeria Sztuki, Legnica
Roses, roses, there are only roses, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
I'm going outside, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Sea and mountains, Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
A Wave that lifts and carries away, BWA Gallery, Katowice
Summer resort, Miejsce Sztuki 44 Gallery, Świnoujście
Das Mer, am Strand, Kunstpavillon, Herinhsdorf, Germany
Aus Woge und Schnee, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt Oder
Onomatopoeias, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Onomatopoeias, BWA Gallery, Leszno
Collection, Centrum of Contemporary Art Poznań, Museum of Miniatures, Pobiedziska
Bilbord, acting in the public space, MOSart, Lamus tenement, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Yesterday evening, Art Gallery, Legnica
Bird, spatial realization in the Millennium Park, Zielona Góra
Daily news - Warsaw, Zachęta Project Room, Warsaw
I have a clean conscience and calm dreams, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, Poznań
Sketchbook, BWA Studio Gallery, Wrocław
Cabinet, Museum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Nowy Wiek Gallery, Zielona Góra
Daily news - Cracow, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
Spring, Szara Gallery, Cieszyn
The story of youth who went forth to learn what fear was, BWA Gallery, Olsztyn
Girl with fish, Platan Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Fluffy and filthy, Galerie ZP, Karlsruhe, Germany
Softly, Laboratory of art, Toruń
It was so wonderful, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Kuku, Wizytująca Gallery, Warsaw
Futrzak, GCK, Katowice
Boniu how I suffer, spots on the sun, Entropia Gallery, Wrocław
Put me down, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
English lessons, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Basia Bańda, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Very terrible, Aneks Gallery, Poznań
Monster, Szara Gallery, Cieszyn
Which clothes to wear, Zakręt Gallery, Warsaw
Ci Ci, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Grubciu, Naprzeciw Gallery, Poznań
Painting and Graphics, Lubuskie Museum, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Group exhibitions
Nie pytaj o Polskę, CSW, Toruń
Winter salon, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Iceberg, Wy gallery, Lodz
Znak wodny, wystawa katastroficzna, Biuro Wystaw, Warszawa
Recapitulation, Geppart gallery, Wroclaw
Liberte, Egalite, Serigrafite, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Liberte, Egalite, Serigrafite, Graphic Days Torino, Italy
Let them weave!, Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, CSW Toruń
Who is close, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Fast Gesund, BLMK, Cottbus, Germany
Let them weave!, Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, Studio Cannaregio, Venice, Italy
Winter will end, Library Gallery of the UZ, Zielona Góra
Let it burn, Arttrakt gallery, Wrocław
Efflorescences of Screen Printing Culture 10th Anniversary of Kwiaciarnia Grafik, BWA Studio, Wrocław
Planets in my head II, Arttrakt gallery, Wrocław
Galeria Nowy Wiek, 20 lat!, Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra
Wybór, miaART Gallery, Wrocław
Tower of women2, Biała Gallery, Lublin
Wyobraź sobie, Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra
To nie jest wystawa jubileuszowa - z okazji 55-lecia powstania BWA, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Art in action, Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre, Irland
Rzecz o kolekcjonowaniu. Po co to wszystko?, online exhibition, Galeria MBWA, Leszno
Returning to the future. Biennale Zielona Góra 2020, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Choice, Pastuła Gallery, Poręby Kupieńskie
Galeria Polskiej Sztuki Współczesnej Nowe spojrzenie, National Museum, Gdańsk
Homo naturalis, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
Bestiary, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko
Young Polish Painting. Collection of the National Museum in Gdańska, National Museum, Gdańsk
Nature in art, MOCAK, Cracow
Who let the dogs out, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
Art knocks ans searches, exhibition for children, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Forms and numbers, Pryzmat Gallery, Cracow
Polish artist in the collection of Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Bunkier sztuki, Cracow
Bestiary, Gdansk City Gallery, Gdańsk
Collection of Krzysztof Musiał, Here we are, Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas, Litwa,
Może jutro ta dama da tortu jeżom, exhibition with Monika Chlebek, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Art ingredients | an interactive exhibition for children, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition as part of the conference: Contemporary Art and Digital Media, Karłów,
Madame, Can you check if there are any dreams tangled in my hair ?, Centrum Aktywności Twórczej w Ustce
Drawings, Basia Bańda, Gosia Bartosik, 9/10 Gallery, Poznań
Lejanias, Collection of Krzysztof Musiał, Centre del Carme, Valencia, Spain
Close yours eyes! Exhibition for children, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Here we are. Selected works from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CSW Toruń
Present, Collection of Polish Art ING, Contemporary Art Gallery, Opole
Animals, exhibition with z Ryszard Grzyb, Wizytująca Gallery, Warsaw
Art in Our Age, Collection of Zachęta - National Gallery of Arti and the ING Polish Art Fundation, BWA Gallery, Katowice
A Rebours, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Rules of pleasure, Terminal 08, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Between systems. Polish contemporary painting from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CAC Velez -Malaga, Francisco Fernandez, Velez -Malaga, Spain
Gardens, New Castel, Mużakowski Park, Bad Muskau, Germany
Artistic life in Zielona Góra in 1945-2016, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Repersonal, exhibition at summer hauses, Łagów Lubuski
Artist of New Age Gallery, Museum of Ziemia Lubuskia, Zielona Góra
Social body, Salony Fundation, Zielona Góra
Woman painters, Biała Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition/ (Not) touch! Haptic aspects of Polish art after 1945,CSW , Toruń
Common collection, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok
Here we are, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
ARTLOOP Festival, Urbaniser = Art in public space, Sopot
Art in Our Age, Collection of Zachęta - National Gallery of Arti and the ING Polish Art Fundation, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw
Planets in my head, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Gallery, Kielce
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Sokół Gallery, Nowy Sącz
Ecce Animalia, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, Poznań
Nomen Women, Łaźnia Art Gallery, Radom
Nomen Women, BWA Gallery, Kielce
Ideas and Images, Gallery of Library UZ, Zielona Góra
Genesis, Inspirations Art Festival, Szczecin
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wrocław
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Gallery, Jelenia Góra
Compas of young art, Olympic Centre, Warsaw
Knot, Basia Bańda, Michał Jankowski, Format Gallery, Warsaw
Woman's vulnerability, Basia Bańda, Katrin Huber, Austriackie Forum Kultury, Warsaw
Out of sth vol. 3, action in urban space, Awangarda BWA Gallery, Wrocław
The power of art-collection of Warmińsko - Mazurskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych 2005 - 2011, BWA Gallery, Olsztyn
1:1-works from the collection of the ING Polish Art Fundation, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot
Supermarket Art Fair, Independent Art Fair, Sztokholm
Visitors and Natives, 20 Years of the Institute of Visual Arts, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Triple pink, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Krzywy komin, Salony Fundation, Zielona Góra
Exchange of gifts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wrocław
Children's Art Biennale, Sektor 1 Gallery, Katowice
Prize of Fundation Vordemberge-Gildewart, MOCAK, Cracow
Box-2010/2011 2 Presentation, exhibition from the collection of Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Sztuk Pięknych, Wrocław
Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita, Atak Gallery, Warsaw
Tell Me About It, ArtTrakt Galery, Wrocław
In the first person singular, The Palace of Exhibitions of the Centre for Communication of Cultures, Klaipeda Lithuania
Dear Raven Bird, Tak Gallery, Poznań
Failure in Art, Emdes Gallery,Wrocław
Best Wishes from Zielona Góra, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt nad Odrą
Rauchen Verboten! Fire, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Fancy succees, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
International Collection of Contemporary Art 5, Center of Contemporary Art, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
Accidental pleasures, Part 2, BWA Gallery, Katowice
Prague Biennale 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Zakamarki, BWA Gallery, Sanok
Tribute to Wróblewski, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Tribute to Wróblewski, Program Gallery, Warszawa
Women, Tak Gallery, Poznań
Marian Szpakowski – Continuation, Nowy Wiek Gallery, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska
Polish Women's Journal, Polish Institute , Berlin, Germany
Master and Monster, Festival 4 cultures, Łódz
Uncover Me (or) Theatre of Sale, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok
Pretty and Original, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Fetus, Korczyński Concept Store, Paris, France
Bold and Beautiful, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Idolatrie, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Bold and Beautiful, Art-Pol Gallery, Cracow
1,2,3 -Uberraschung, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt Oder, Germany
Reconnaissance of Painting, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Ustka
Jeżeli nie umarli, to pewnie jeszcze żyją, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk
Viennafair, Vienna, Austria
First She Is Sad After She Cries, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk
Reconnaissance of Painting, GCK, Katowice
Painting of the Twenty First Century, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw
Art Forum, Berlin, Germany
Terra Polska-Klaine Medchen, Berlin, Germany
Dirty bomb, Stary Browar, Poznań
Embroideries, Laces, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk
Witch Ple Ple,Galeria Klima Bocheńska, Warszawa
Witch Ple Ple, Dla Gallery, Toruń
No landscape, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Birthday Party, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Let Us Show You Something, private apartment, Poznań
Zoon politikon, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk
Art Forum, Berlin, Germany
Exhibition About Travels, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Art Fair, Stary Browar, Poznań
Exhibition of Competion Bielska Jesień, BWA Gallery, Bielsko Biała
Exhibition of E. Geppert’s Competition, BWA Gallery, Wrocław
Longing for Painting, Szyperska Gallery, Poznań
Exhibition for Travellers, Railway Station, Zielona Góra
List of group catalogs
• Let them weave! Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku, ISBN 978-83-64653-37-7, page 29-30, 39, 114-115, 175, Orońsko 2022
• Planets in my head II, Arttrakt Gallery II, page 1-24, Wrocława 2022
• Let it burn, Arttrakt Gallery, page 6-13, Wrocława 2022
• Tower of women2, Biała Gallery, ISBN 978-83-62191-32-1, page 6-17, Lublin 2021
• Collection of the ING Polish Art Foundation 2000-2020, ING Polish Art Foundation, ISBN 978-83-931382-4-1, page 172-175, Warsaw 2020
• Marta Smolińska, Haptyczność poszerzona, Universitas, ISBN 978--83-242-3664-0, page 26, 224, 227, 238, 264, 267, Cracow 2020
• Returning to the future, Biennale Zielona Góra, BWA , ISBN 978-83-61440-21-5, page 75, 129, 130, 131, Zielona Góra 2020
• Nature in art, Museum in Contemporary Art in Cracow MOCAK, ISBN 978-83-65851-25-3, page 214 - 2015, Cracow 2019
• Forms and numbers IV, ASP in Cracow, ISBN 978-83-951117-3-0, page 86 - 89, Cracow 2019
• Homo naturalis, Arttrakt Gallery, page 7 - 14, Wrocław, 2019
• The Palace of Art, Young Polish Artist, National Museum in Gdańsk, ISBN 978-83-63185-98-5, page 36 - 37, cover, Gdańsk 2019
• Bestiary, Gdańsk City Gallery, ISBN 978-83-946734-9-9, page 24 – 29, 57 – 59, 62, 65 – 66
Gdańsk 2018
• Animals, B. Bańda, R. Grzyb, Wizytująca Gallery, ISBN 978–83-948154-0-0, Warsaw 2017
• Here we are. Selected works from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CSW Toruń, ISBN 978–83-62881-90-1, page 61, Toruń 2017
• Gardens, Park of Prince Puckler Bad Muskau, ISW, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska, ISBN 978–83-88426-96-4, page 29, 52, 73, Bad Muskau - Zielona Góra 2016
• Repersonal, ISW, ISBN 978–83-936290-0-8, page 10, 14 – 19, Zielona Góra 2016
• Art in Our Age, ING Polish Art Fundation, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, ISBN 978–83-931382-2-7, page 31, Warsaw 2015
• Woman peinters, Biała Gallery, ISBN 978–83-62191-20-8, page 26 – 31, Lublin 2015
• Center outside the center, Szara Gallery 2002-2012, Szara Gallery, ISBN 978-83-938735-0-0, page 124, 125, 234, 235, Cieszyn 2015
• Planets in my head, B. Bańda, A. Kubiak, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław 2014
• Ecce Animalia, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, ISBN 978-83-85901-99-0, page 113, Orońsko 2014
• Nomen Woman, Łaźnia Gallery, ISBN 978–83–937350-4–4, page 13, 30, Radom 2014
• Millennium Park, Salony Fundation, ISBN 978-83-939505-1-5, page 104 – 113, Zielona Gora 2014
• Ideas and images, ISW, ISBN 978-83-936290-7-7, page 6 - 7, Zielona Góra 2014
• Polonische kunst heute, Christoph Gniech, page 5, Pfarrkirchen 2014
• The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, The Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław, ISBN 978-83-62290-65-9, page 38 - 41, Wrocław 2013
• 9. international festival of visual art inSpiracje 2013,13 muz, ISBN 978–83–61233-42–8, page 26 - 29, Szczecin 2013
• Supermarket 2012, Stockholm Independent Art – Fair, page 22, Sztokholm 2012
• Out of sth vol. 3, BWA Gallery Wrocław, ISBN 978-83-89308-97–9, strona 104, Wrocław 2012
• Collection 2004 – 2012, MWW, ISBN 978–83-63350-05-5, page 40 – 47, Wrocław 2012
• Naked Man. The Male Nude in post 1945, Paweł Leszkowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, ISBN 978-83-232-2363-4, page 229, 231, 232, Poznań 2012
• Encyclopedia of Polish painting, Kluszczyński publishing house, ISBN 978–83–7447-118–3, page 34, Cracow 2011
• Artystki polskie, Wydawnictwo PWN, ISBN 978–83-262-0988-8, page 153, 159, Warsaw – Bielsko - Biała 2011
• Award of the Vordemberge – Gildewart Fundation, MOCAK, ISBN 978-83-62435-20-3, page 8, 16, 32, 33, Kraków 2011
• South landscape 2010, aTak Gallery, ISBN 978-83-61785-60-6, page 54 - 57, Warsaw 2011
• Mr. Raven, My love bird, Tak Gallery, ISBN 978-83-934045-0-6, spage 18 – 23, Poznań 2001
• Triple pink, Labirynt Gallery, ISBN 978-83-932239, page 4, 5, 42 – 49, Lublin 2011
• The collection of the ING Polish Art Fundation 2000 – 2010, ISBN 978-83-931382-1-0, page 112, 113, Warsaw 2010
• Galeri Aneks 2006 - 2010, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, ISBN 978-83-61886-16–7, page 26, Poznań 2010
•Contemporary painting. Postevolution, Kulturpolis, ISBN 978-9986-588-38-2, page 12, 13, 14, 15, Klaipeda 2010
• Touching is not forbidden, Wozownia Art Gallery, ISBN 83-89657-84-8, page 9, 12, 13, Toruń 2010
• Prague Biennale 4, Giancarlo Politi Editore, ISBN 978-88-7816-149-8, page 147, 148. Prague 2009
• Art Taipei, Art Gallery Association, ISBN 978-957-29337-3-2, page 138, Taipei 2009
• Moc sztuki. Kolekcja Warmińsko - Mazurskiego TZSP w Olsztynie 2005 - 2009, ISBN 978-83-926266-1-9, page 16, 17, Olsztyn 2009
• Zakamarki, BWA Galeria Sanocka, page 4 – 7, Sanok 2009
• Accidental pleasures, BWA Gallery Katowice, ISBN 978–83-88254-57-4, page 50 – 53, 100, Katowice 2009
• Alfabet polski 1, BWA Gallery Tarnów, ISBN 978-83 929670-0-2, page 34 - 41, Tarnów 2009
• A place to live. A place to love, ISW, ISBN 978-83-61440-08-6, page 8 - 9, Zielona Góra 2008
• Marian Szpakowski – continuation, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska, ISBN 83-88426-46-X, page 10 - 11, Zielona Góra 2008
• Raise the Curtain - (or) Theatre on Sale, Arsenał Gallery Białystok, ISBN 978–83-89778-21-5, page 7 - 8, 12 – 15, 33, Białystok 2008
• Womens, Tak Gallery, page 2 – 5, 16, Poznań 2008
• Przewodnik kolekcjonera sztuki najnowszej, korporacja ha!art, ISBN 978-83-61407-88-1, page 100 - 101, Warsaw - Cracow 2008
• Tribute to Andrzej Wróblewski, Artbazaar, page 6, 11, Warsaw 2008
• Galeria Aneks 2006, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, ISBN 978-83-88947-61-1, page 28 - 31, Poznań 2007
• Reconnaissance of Painting, GCK Katowice, ISBN 978-83-88418-92-1, page 92 - 93, Katowice 2007
• Painting of the Twenty First Century, Zachęta Natonl Gallery of Art, ISBN 83-89145-92-8, page 56 - 57, Warsaw 2006
• Tekstylia bis. Słownik młodej polskiej kultury, Korporacja Ha!art, ISBN 978-83-899II-43-8, page 489, Cracow 2006
• Kleine madchen, Terra Polska vol.2, page 3, 7, 11, 25 - 26, Berlin 2006
• Art Poznań 2005, ASP in Poznań, ISBN 83-88400-19-3, page 131, Poznań 2005
• Spaces of drawings. Drawing Department ASP in Poznań, ASP Poznań, ISBN 83-88400-20-7, page 47, Poznań 2005
• The Art Market in Poland, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-43-9, page 33, Cracow – Berlin 2005
• 7th . Eugeniusz Geppert Competition, BWA Wrocław, ISBN 83-89308-13-4, page 19, Wrocław 2005
Most in the world, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 978-83-61440-07-9, 368 pages, Zielona Góra 2022
Idę na dwór, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski, ISBN 978-83-65153-40-1, 35 pages, Gorzów Wielkopolski 2020
Letnisko, ms44, Świnoujście, ISBN 978-83948986-4-9, 26 pages, Świnoujście 2019
Onomatopeje, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 978-83-6144084-0, 137 pages, Zielona Góra 2016
Moje Twoje, PGS Sopot, ISBN 978-83-8040-005-4, 48 pages, Sopot 2015
Bajka o takim, co wyruszył w świat żeby nauczyć się bać, BWA Gallery Olsztyn, ISBN 978-83-89228-75-8, 31 pages, Olsztyn 2011
Ku Ku, Wizytująca Gallery, 69 pages, Warsaw 2009
Basia Bańda, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 83-924092-3-X, 76 pages, Zielona Góra 2006
Ci Ci, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-46-3, 58 pages, Cracow 2006
English Lessons, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-48-X, 150 pages, Cracow 2006
Wczoraj wieczorem, Gallery of Art Legnica, ISBN 978-83-62534-46-3, 24 pages, Legnica 2014
Szkicownik, BWA Studio, 28 pages, Wrocław 2013
Basia Bańda B.1980 in Zielona Góra, Poland. 2001-2006 Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. 2018 Doctor's degree at Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. Since 2008 assistant lecturer at the Studio of Painting at University in Zielona Góra. Collaboration with Fundacja Salony. Lives and works in Zielona Góra.
Articles online
Works in collection
Center of Contemporary Art, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
Lubuska Zachęta Sztuki Współczesnej
Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych
Museum of Ziemia Lubuska
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych
ING Polish Art Fundation
Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Sztuk Pięknych
Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
Art Gallery, Legnica
National Museum, Gdańsk
BWA Gallery, Leszno
And in private collection
Fellowships and prizes
The cultural prize of city of Zielona Góra
UZ rector prize
7th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
4th place in Kompas Sztuki, ‘Rzeczpospolita Magazine
Creative and Artistic Scholarship of the City of Zielona Góra
7th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
4th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
6th place in Playboy ranking - 10 artists, in which it is worthwhile to invest
Cooperation with the National Opera in Warsaw
Fellowship Young Poland of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
2th place in Kompas Sztuki, Rzeczpospolita Magazine
Nomination to the award Wykrzyknik, Zielona Góra
Fellowship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Solo exhibitions
Heat, Eskaem gallery, Gdańsk
Totems, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Fernweh, Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
Most of the world, Biala Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition for children, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Roses and Roses, MCSW Elektrownia, Radom
I have good feeling, Galeria Sztuki, Legnica
Roses, roses, there are only roses, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
I'm going outside, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Sea and mountains, Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
A Wave that lifts and carries away, BWA Gallery, Katowice
Summer resort, Miejsce Sztuki 44 Gallery, Świnoujście
Das Mer, am Strand, Kunstpavillon, Herinhsdorf, Germany
Aus Woge und Schnee, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt Oder
Onomatopoeias, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Onomatopoeias, BWA Gallery, Leszno
Collection, Centrum of Contemporary Art Poznań, Museum of Miniatures, Pobiedziska
Bilbord, acting in the public space, MOSart, Lamus tenement, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Yesterday evening, Art Gallery, Legnica
Bird, spatial realization in the Millennium Park, Zielona Góra
Daily news - Warsaw, Zachęta Project Room, Warsaw
I have a clean conscience and calm dreams, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, Poznań
Sketchbook, BWA Studio Gallery, Wrocław
Cabinet, Museum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Nowy Wiek Gallery, Zielona Góra
Daily news - Cracow, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
Spring, Szara Gallery, Cieszyn
The story of youth who went forth to learn what fear was, BWA Gallery, Olsztyn
Girl with fish, Platan Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Fluffy and filthy, Galerie ZP, Karlsruhe, Germany
Softly, Laboratory of art, Toruń
It was so wonderful, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Kuku, Wizytująca Gallery, Warsaw
Futrzak, GCK, Katowice
Boniu how I suffer, spots on the sun, Entropia Gallery, Wrocław
Put me down, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
English lessons, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Basia Bańda, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Very terrible, Aneks Gallery, Poznań
Monster, Szara Gallery, Cieszyn
Which clothes to wear, Zakręt Gallery, Warsaw
Ci Ci, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Grubciu, Naprzeciw Gallery, Poznań
Painting and Graphics, Lubuskie Museum, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Group exhibitions
Nie pytaj o Polskę, CSW, Toruń
Winter salon, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Iceberg, Wy gallery, Lodz
Znak wodny, wystawa katastroficzna, Biuro Wystaw, Warszawa
Recapitulation, Geppart gallery, Wroclaw
Liberte, Egalite, Serigrafite, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Liberte, Egalite, Serigrafite, Graphic Days Torino, Italy
Let them weave!, Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, CSW Toruń
Who is close, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Fast Gesund, BLMK, Cottbus, Germany
Let them weave!, Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, Studio Cannaregio, Venice, Italy
Winter will end, Library Gallery of the UZ, Zielona Góra
Let it burn, Arttrakt gallery, Wrocław
Efflorescences of Screen Printing Culture 10th Anniversary of Kwiaciarnia Grafik, BWA Studio, Wrocław
Planets in my head II, Arttrakt gallery, Wrocław
Galeria Nowy Wiek, 20 lat!, Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra
Wybór, miaART Gallery, Wrocław
Tower of women2, Biała Gallery, Lublin
Wyobraź sobie, Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra
To nie jest wystawa jubileuszowa - z okazji 55-lecia powstania BWA, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Art in action, Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre, Irland
Rzecz o kolekcjonowaniu. Po co to wszystko?, online exhibition, Galeria MBWA, Leszno
Returning to the future. Biennale Zielona Góra 2020, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Choice, Pastuła Gallery, Poręby Kupieńskie
Galeria Polskiej Sztuki Współczesnej Nowe spojrzenie, National Museum, Gdańsk
Homo naturalis, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
Bestiary, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko
Young Polish Painting. Collection of the National Museum in Gdańska, National Museum, Gdańsk
Nature in art, MOCAK, Cracow
Who let the dogs out, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
Art knocks ans searches, exhibition for children, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Forms and numbers, Pryzmat Gallery, Cracow
Polish artist in the collection of Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Bunkier sztuki, Cracow
Bestiary, Gdansk City Gallery, Gdańsk
Collection of Krzysztof Musiał, Here we are, Gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas, Litwa,
Może jutro ta dama da tortu jeżom, exhibition with Monika Chlebek, Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra
Art ingredients | an interactive exhibition for children, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition as part of the conference: Contemporary Art and Digital Media, Karłów,
Madame, Can you check if there are any dreams tangled in my hair ?, Centrum Aktywności Twórczej w Ustce
Drawings, Basia Bańda, Gosia Bartosik, 9/10 Gallery, Poznań
Lejanias, Collection of Krzysztof Musiał, Centre del Carme, Valencia, Spain
Close yours eyes! Exhibition for children, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Here we are. Selected works from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CSW Toruń
Present, Collection of Polish Art ING, Contemporary Art Gallery, Opole
Animals, exhibition with z Ryszard Grzyb, Wizytująca Gallery, Warsaw
Art in Our Age, Collection of Zachęta - National Gallery of Arti and the ING Polish Art Fundation, BWA Gallery, Katowice
A Rebours, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Rules of pleasure, Terminal 08, Gorzów Wielkopolski
Between systems. Polish contemporary painting from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CAC Velez -Malaga, Francisco Fernandez, Velez -Malaga, Spain
Gardens, New Castel, Mużakowski Park, Bad Muskau, Germany
Artistic life in Zielona Góra in 1945-2016, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Repersonal, exhibition at summer hauses, Łagów Lubuski
Artist of New Age Gallery, Museum of Ziemia Lubuskia, Zielona Góra
Social body, Salony Fundation, Zielona Góra
Woman painters, Biała Gallery, Lublin
Exhibition/ (Not) touch! Haptic aspects of Polish art after 1945,CSW , Toruń
Common collection, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok
Here we are, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
ARTLOOP Festival, Urbaniser = Art in public space, Sopot
Art in Our Age, Collection of Zachęta - National Gallery of Arti and the ING Polish Art Fundation, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw
Planets in my head, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Gallery, Kielce
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Sokół Gallery, Nowy Sącz
Ecce Animalia, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, Poznań
Nomen Women, Łaźnia Art Gallery, Radom
Nomen Women, BWA Gallery, Kielce
Ideas and Images, Gallery of Library UZ, Zielona Góra
Genesis, Inspirations Art Festival, Szczecin
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wrocław
The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, BWA Gallery, Jelenia Góra
Compas of young art, Olympic Centre, Warsaw
Knot, Basia Bańda, Michał Jankowski, Format Gallery, Warsaw
Woman's vulnerability, Basia Bańda, Katrin Huber, Austriackie Forum Kultury, Warsaw
Out of sth vol. 3, action in urban space, Awangarda BWA Gallery, Wrocław
The power of art-collection of Warmińsko - Mazurskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych 2005 - 2011, BWA Gallery, Olsztyn
1:1-works from the collection of the ING Polish Art Fundation, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot
Supermarket Art Fair, Independent Art Fair, Sztokholm
Visitors and Natives, 20 Years of the Institute of Visual Arts, BWA Gallery, Zielona Góra
Triple pink, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
Krzywy komin, Salony Fundation, Zielona Góra
Exchange of gifts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wrocław
Children's Art Biennale, Sektor 1 Gallery, Katowice
Prize of Fundation Vordemberge-Gildewart, MOCAK, Cracow
Box-2010/2011 2 Presentation, exhibition from the collection of Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Sztuk Pięknych, Wrocław
Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita, Atak Gallery, Warsaw
Tell Me About It, ArtTrakt Galery, Wrocław
In the first person singular, The Palace of Exhibitions of the Centre for Communication of Cultures, Klaipeda Lithuania
Dear Raven Bird, Tak Gallery, Poznań
Failure in Art, Emdes Gallery,Wrocław
Best Wishes from Zielona Góra, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt nad Odrą
Rauchen Verboten! Fire, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Fancy succees, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Cracow
International Collection of Contemporary Art 5, Center of Contemporary Art, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
Accidental pleasures, Part 2, BWA Gallery, Katowice
Prague Biennale 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Zakamarki, BWA Gallery, Sanok
Tribute to Wróblewski, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Tribute to Wróblewski, Program Gallery, Warszawa
Women, Tak Gallery, Poznań
Marian Szpakowski – Continuation, Nowy Wiek Gallery, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska
Polish Women's Journal, Polish Institute , Berlin, Germany
Master and Monster, Festival 4 cultures, Łódz
Uncover Me (or) Theatre of Sale, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok
Pretty and Original, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Fetus, Korczyński Concept Store, Paris, France
Bold and Beautiful, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Idolatrie, Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw
Bold and Beautiful, Art-Pol Gallery, Cracow
1,2,3 -Uberraschung, Museum Junge Kunst, Frankfurt Oder, Germany
Reconnaissance of Painting, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Ustka
Jeżeli nie umarli, to pewnie jeszcze żyją, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk
Viennafair, Vienna, Austria
First She Is Sad After She Cries, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk
Reconnaissance of Painting, GCK, Katowice
Painting of the Twenty First Century, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw
Art Forum, Berlin, Germany
Terra Polska-Klaine Medchen, Berlin, Germany
Dirty bomb, Stary Browar, Poznań
Embroideries, Laces, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk
Witch Ple Ple,Galeria Klima Bocheńska, Warszawa
Witch Ple Ple, Dla Gallery, Toruń
No landscape, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Birthday Party, Pies Gallery, Poznań
Let Us Show You Something, private apartment, Poznań
Zoon politikon, Bałtycka Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk
Art Forum, Berlin, Germany
Exhibition About Travels, Zderzak Gallery, Cracow
Art Fair, Stary Browar, Poznań
Exhibition of Competion Bielska Jesień, BWA Gallery, Bielsko Biała
Exhibition of E. Geppert’s Competition, BWA Gallery, Wrocław
Longing for Painting, Szyperska Gallery, Poznań
Exhibition for Travellers, Railway Station, Zielona Góra
List of group catalogs
• Let them weave! Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku, ISBN 978-83-64653-37-7, page 29-30, 39, 114-115, 175, Orońsko 2022
• Planets in my head II, Arttrakt Gallery II, page 1-24, Wrocława 2022
• Let it burn, Arttrakt Gallery, page 6-13, Wrocława 2022
• Tower of women2, Biała Gallery, ISBN 978-83-62191-32-1, page 6-17, Lublin 2021
• Collection of the ING Polish Art Foundation 2000-2020, ING Polish Art Foundation, ISBN 978-83-931382-4-1, page 172-175, Warsaw 2020
• Marta Smolińska, Haptyczność poszerzona, Universitas, ISBN 978--83-242-3664-0, page 26, 224, 227, 238, 264, 267, Cracow 2020
• Returning to the future, Biennale Zielona Góra, BWA , ISBN 978-83-61440-21-5, page 75, 129, 130, 131, Zielona Góra 2020
• Nature in art, Museum in Contemporary Art in Cracow MOCAK, ISBN 978-83-65851-25-3, page 214 - 2015, Cracow 2019
• Forms and numbers IV, ASP in Cracow, ISBN 978-83-951117-3-0, page 86 - 89, Cracow 2019
• Homo naturalis, Arttrakt Gallery, page 7 - 14, Wrocław, 2019
• The Palace of Art, Young Polish Artist, National Museum in Gdańsk, ISBN 978-83-63185-98-5, page 36 - 37, cover, Gdańsk 2019
• Bestiary, Gdańsk City Gallery, ISBN 978-83-946734-9-9, page 24 – 29, 57 – 59, 62, 65 – 66
Gdańsk 2018
• Animals, B. Bańda, R. Grzyb, Wizytująca Gallery, ISBN 978–83-948154-0-0, Warsaw 2017
• Here we are. Selected works from the collection of Krzysztof Musiał, CSW Toruń, ISBN 978–83-62881-90-1, page 61, Toruń 2017
• Gardens, Park of Prince Puckler Bad Muskau, ISW, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska, ISBN 978–83-88426-96-4, page 29, 52, 73, Bad Muskau - Zielona Góra 2016
• Repersonal, ISW, ISBN 978–83-936290-0-8, page 10, 14 – 19, Zielona Góra 2016
• Art in Our Age, ING Polish Art Fundation, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, ISBN 978–83-931382-2-7, page 31, Warsaw 2015
• Woman peinters, Biała Gallery, ISBN 978–83-62191-20-8, page 26 – 31, Lublin 2015
• Center outside the center, Szara Gallery 2002-2012, Szara Gallery, ISBN 978-83-938735-0-0, page 124, 125, 234, 235, Cieszyn 2015
• Planets in my head, B. Bańda, A. Kubiak, Arttrakt Gallery, Wrocław 2014
• Ecce Animalia, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, ISBN 978-83-85901-99-0, page 113, Orońsko 2014
• Nomen Woman, Łaźnia Gallery, ISBN 978–83–937350-4–4, page 13, 30, Radom 2014
• Millennium Park, Salony Fundation, ISBN 978-83-939505-1-5, page 104 – 113, Zielona Gora 2014
• Ideas and images, ISW, ISBN 978-83-936290-7-7, page 6 - 7, Zielona Góra 2014
• Polonische kunst heute, Christoph Gniech, page 5, Pfarrkirchen 2014
• The day is not enough, a few autobiographical stories, The Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław, ISBN 978-83-62290-65-9, page 38 - 41, Wrocław 2013
• 9. international festival of visual art inSpiracje 2013,13 muz, ISBN 978–83–61233-42–8, page 26 - 29, Szczecin 2013
• Supermarket 2012, Stockholm Independent Art – Fair, page 22, Sztokholm 2012
• Out of sth vol. 3, BWA Gallery Wrocław, ISBN 978-83-89308-97–9, strona 104, Wrocław 2012
• Collection 2004 – 2012, MWW, ISBN 978–83-63350-05-5, page 40 – 47, Wrocław 2012
• Naked Man. The Male Nude in post 1945, Paweł Leszkowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, ISBN 978-83-232-2363-4, page 229, 231, 232, Poznań 2012
• Encyclopedia of Polish painting, Kluszczyński publishing house, ISBN 978–83–7447-118–3, page 34, Cracow 2011
• Artystki polskie, Wydawnictwo PWN, ISBN 978–83-262-0988-8, page 153, 159, Warsaw – Bielsko - Biała 2011
• Award of the Vordemberge – Gildewart Fundation, MOCAK, ISBN 978-83-62435-20-3, page 8, 16, 32, 33, Kraków 2011
• South landscape 2010, aTak Gallery, ISBN 978-83-61785-60-6, page 54 - 57, Warsaw 2011
• Mr. Raven, My love bird, Tak Gallery, ISBN 978-83-934045-0-6, spage 18 – 23, Poznań 2001
• Triple pink, Labirynt Gallery, ISBN 978-83-932239, page 4, 5, 42 – 49, Lublin 2011
• The collection of the ING Polish Art Fundation 2000 – 2010, ISBN 978-83-931382-1-0, page 112, 113, Warsaw 2010
• Galeri Aneks 2006 - 2010, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, ISBN 978-83-61886-16–7, page 26, Poznań 2010
•Contemporary painting. Postevolution, Kulturpolis, ISBN 978-9986-588-38-2, page 12, 13, 14, 15, Klaipeda 2010
• Touching is not forbidden, Wozownia Art Gallery, ISBN 83-89657-84-8, page 9, 12, 13, Toruń 2010
• Prague Biennale 4, Giancarlo Politi Editore, ISBN 978-88-7816-149-8, page 147, 148. Prague 2009
• Art Taipei, Art Gallery Association, ISBN 978-957-29337-3-2, page 138, Taipei 2009
• Moc sztuki. Kolekcja Warmińsko - Mazurskiego TZSP w Olsztynie 2005 - 2009, ISBN 978-83-926266-1-9, page 16, 17, Olsztyn 2009
• Zakamarki, BWA Galeria Sanocka, page 4 – 7, Sanok 2009
• Accidental pleasures, BWA Gallery Katowice, ISBN 978–83-88254-57-4, page 50 – 53, 100, Katowice 2009
• Alfabet polski 1, BWA Gallery Tarnów, ISBN 978-83 929670-0-2, page 34 - 41, Tarnów 2009
• A place to live. A place to love, ISW, ISBN 978-83-61440-08-6, page 8 - 9, Zielona Góra 2008
• Marian Szpakowski – continuation, Museum of Ziemia Lubuska, ISBN 83-88426-46-X, page 10 - 11, Zielona Góra 2008
• Raise the Curtain - (or) Theatre on Sale, Arsenał Gallery Białystok, ISBN 978–83-89778-21-5, page 7 - 8, 12 – 15, 33, Białystok 2008
• Womens, Tak Gallery, page 2 – 5, 16, Poznań 2008
• Przewodnik kolekcjonera sztuki najnowszej, korporacja ha!art, ISBN 978-83-61407-88-1, page 100 - 101, Warsaw - Cracow 2008
• Tribute to Andrzej Wróblewski, Artbazaar, page 6, 11, Warsaw 2008
• Galeria Aneks 2006, Arsenał Municipal Gallery, ISBN 978-83-88947-61-1, page 28 - 31, Poznań 2007
• Reconnaissance of Painting, GCK Katowice, ISBN 978-83-88418-92-1, page 92 - 93, Katowice 2007
• Painting of the Twenty First Century, Zachęta Natonl Gallery of Art, ISBN 83-89145-92-8, page 56 - 57, Warsaw 2006
• Tekstylia bis. Słownik młodej polskiej kultury, Korporacja Ha!art, ISBN 978-83-899II-43-8, page 489, Cracow 2006
• Kleine madchen, Terra Polska vol.2, page 3, 7, 11, 25 - 26, Berlin 2006
• Art Poznań 2005, ASP in Poznań, ISBN 83-88400-19-3, page 131, Poznań 2005
• Spaces of drawings. Drawing Department ASP in Poznań, ASP Poznań, ISBN 83-88400-20-7, page 47, Poznań 2005
• The Art Market in Poland, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-43-9, page 33, Cracow – Berlin 2005
• 7th . Eugeniusz Geppert Competition, BWA Wrocław, ISBN 83-89308-13-4, page 19, Wrocław 2005
Most in the world, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 978-83-61440-07-9, 368 pages, Zielona Góra 2022
Idę na dwór, MOSart, Gorzów Wielkopolski, ISBN 978-83-65153-40-1, 35 pages, Gorzów Wielkopolski 2020
Letnisko, ms44, Świnoujście, ISBN 978-83948986-4-9, 26 pages, Świnoujście 2019
Onomatopeje, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 978-83-6144084-0, 137 pages, Zielona Góra 2016
Moje Twoje, PGS Sopot, ISBN 978-83-8040-005-4, 48 pages, Sopot 2015
Bajka o takim, co wyruszył w świat żeby nauczyć się bać, BWA Gallery Olsztyn, ISBN 978-83-89228-75-8, 31 pages, Olsztyn 2011
Ku Ku, Wizytująca Gallery, 69 pages, Warsaw 2009
Basia Bańda, BWA Zielona Góra, ISBN 83-924092-3-X, 76 pages, Zielona Góra 2006
Ci Ci, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-46-3, 58 pages, Cracow 2006
English Lessons, Zderzak Gallery, ISBN 83-87279-48-X, 150 pages, Cracow 2006
Wczoraj wieczorem, Gallery of Art Legnica, ISBN 978-83-62534-46-3, 24 pages, Legnica 2014
Szkicownik, BWA Studio, 28 pages, Wrocław 2013